the black parent’s resourse center
Our services.
Baby sign language classes & workshops
Coming Spring 2022
Baby Sign is a 6-week class for parents and their children birth to 3 years old. This class offers parents an opportunity to bond with their children through playful activities carried out in a friendly and supportive environment. The use of music and songs, the availability of carefully selected play materials and books along with guidance from a knowledgeable instructor, all combine to provide parents and children with a wide variety of creative ways to enjoy each other while they learn Baby Sign®.
Parent Workshop
Parent Workshop is a specially designed workshop for parents of children from birth to 24 months that teaches you all you need to know to begin using the Baby Signs® Program at home.
Urban Doula Dad Support Group gives Black fathers/male caregivers a way to support their unborn children and expecting mother before birth and after birth post-partum.
Providing them with 12 weeks until birth support and 12 week support after birth. This is a place for Black men to discuss parenting issues and concerns facing the Black community as a whole. The main goals of Urban Doula Dad is to decrease infant mortality and life expectancy for black children born in West Contra Costa Unified District from Black marginalized communities. And also change the image of the “absent Black father” and inspire “togetherness during pregnancy and beyond.”